Our First Show

First Venue Coming Up: August 28! 3-5:30 PM! On Bay Street in Florence, Oregon


We’ve been working hard to get all the kinks out and put on our first Cherry Karaoke event.  If any of you were there for our first “attempted” show last month, it was, well, a debacle.  Sorry about that. We had some technical difficulties that had to do with software and the internet connection.  One person did do a song — without the karaoke lyrics.  (He was pretty good, too!)

This let us test our speaker set up, and confirm that THAT part worked.  But, we had to pull the plug on the gig, because we just couldn’t get the karaoke system to work.

After a lot of effort, we’ve got everything up and running now!  And tested! 

We’ve signed up with a different karaoke service that seems to be a lot more stable.   The best part is, we now have and thousands more songs to choose from than we did before!


You can still sign up and choose songs in advance with our simple MOBILE SONGBOOK, at the link below.  Its entirely free! 

 Just make up a cool user name, enter an email address, and choose a password.  You’ll only have to do this once.  We’ll remember you at the  NEXT Cherry Karaoke show.

When you sign up the first time, you’ll have to enter in the venue number, #2692.



Old Town Park
1310 Bay Street
Florence, Oregon 97439
August 28
3-5:30 PM

Click below to sign up!

We will be doing everything we can at this event to keep you safe from Covid-19. Microphones will be sterilized, with disposable covers replaced between singers. Microphone stands will be provided so you don’t have to touch anything.

We will not be providing physical song lists until further notice.  Song selection will be done through the website link http://ksr.pcdj.com .

Please do YOUR part by wearing a mask, keeping socially distanced and please, please, PLEASE. . .



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